Refund and Cancellation Policy

The refund and cancellation policy is a part of the terms and conditions document. Below is the extract of the same for additional clarity on the policy.
➢ If Mitrin cancels a class, it will make it up to the students by offering a compensation class or provide access to another live online class which has the same lesson, unless this is not possible due to unforeseen force majeure circumstances such as a security threat or a natural disaster. If such a compensation class is not provided and further classes are cancelled a pro rata refund or discount on future classes will be provided to the student.

➢ If any class is cancelled due to cancellation of the teacher or termination of the teacher, Mitrin will allocate another teacher. The new teacher will be best accommodated in the same time and day as the earlier teacher. However if this is not possible the best scenario option will be given to the students. If the student decides not to pursue classes due to change in teacher, refund will not be given for the balance month/fee period.

➢ If Mitrin is unable to allocate a new teacher and class gets cancelled completely, a refund will be initiated for the balance classes of the month/fee period on pro rate basis.

➢ If a student misses a class for any reason, Mitrin will not be able compensate such student, in any form or manner, for the same. However, a special request can be made to the teacher who will in turn check with the school and try to accommodate. The decision of the school will be final in such a case.

➢ Written requests for refunds pertaining to missing of classes or discontinuation of classes by the student will be only considered under the following exceptional circumstances
o Sudden ill health or accident – Request to be accompanied by a medical certificate
o Death or onset of a serious illness resulting in prolonged hospitalization or incapacitation of an immediate family member (Spouse, parents, siblings, children) – Request to be accompanied by any documented proof.
o New job appointment of the student or spouse or parents resulting in relocation – Request to be accompanied by appointment letter/proof of relocation.

➢ All refund request has to be sent in writing to and