Korean Language

Learn Korean Language

Korea is a fascinating country with a rich culture and history. Learning Korean can open up many doors, both professionally and personally. Learning Korean can improve your career prospects. Many multinational companies have a presence in Korea, and being able to speak Korean can give you a competitive edge when applying for jobs.



What You Will Learn

Learning Korean can help you deeply understand their culture and history. You can make new friends and expand your social circle. Koreans are known for their hospitality, and you’ll be sure to make some great friends if you can speak their language. Korean can help you learn about a different way of life. Korea is a unique country with its own customs and traditions. By learning Korean, you can gain insights into a different way of thinking and living.

If you’re interested in learning Korean, Mitrin is the perfect place to start. We offer online Korean coaching, so you can learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home. Plus, our experienced and certified instructors can help you every step of the way. Contact us today to get started on your Korean learning journey!

Mitrin's Korean Courses

Korean Online Language Course

Basic 1

24 sessions

24 - 26 hours

Greet people, Introduce about yourself, Talk about where you live, Pronounce and read many vocabularies, Write all the Korean alphabets using various syllables, Count numbers (1-20) and counts of 10, Tell your age, Tell the body parts, Talk about the seasons, colors, Ask about the days and months, Talk politely and Impolitely, Talk about the date and time, Have a short conversation

korean text

Basic 2

24 sessions

24 - 26 hours

Express your activities – using time expressions, Greet formally, Many Vocabularies, Count numbers (1-100) – in both number types, Talk some more using numbers, Tell your telephone number and House details, Talk using From – to, Order in a restaurant, Say your needs, Shop things in a shopping mall

Korean Certification Courses


TOPIK Level 1 Certification

100 - 120 hours

At the end of the course, the student will  know how to ,Greet people, Introduce about yourself, Read and write Korean alphabets by using different syllables, Make use of parts of speech, Numbers (Sino-Korean and Native Korean), Talk about Body parts, Seasons, and Colors, Tell and ask time and date, Say age, telephone number, and address, Talk about days of the week and Months of the year, Have a conversation in a formal and informal way, Order food in a restaurant, Shop things in a shopping mall, Say about weekend activities with family members, Talk about the holiday plan

Beginner Friendly

We would be delighted to share more information about our language courses for beginners and advanced learners. You can write to us to find out more about our courses, or simply give us a call. We are available to answer any questions you may have.

Sanskrit Language Course

Become a Pro with
Mitrin's Online Korean Language Course

Start learning our Korean online language course today. You will find the best online Korean course available. We have a fabulous selection of Korean short stories, children’s books and a wide range of learning resources to help you improve your Korean conversation and pronunciation skills for both kids and grown-ups.

Online Class

Mitrin uses customized digital classrooms for its online language classes which allows the student to access world-class training sessions from the comfort of their home or office or from anywhere in the world.

Flexible Class Schedule

Learn new languages in the morning, afternoon, or evening based on the time slot convenient to you. Mitrin will find a teacher for your online class at a flexible time schedule.

Flexible Payment Plan

Mitrin’s payment plan is monthly and not for the entire course in one go. This gives a much required breather for the student and accountability for the teacher to ensure the standard of teaching does not fall.

E-Learning Materials

Mitrin provides online reading material continuously at every stage of the course program. This allows the students to learn and access all the course materials comfortably.

Assesment & Practice Test

Periodic assessments and tests are an essential part of learning languages and Mitrin provides such online language tests regularly to evaluate students and plan teaching strategies based on their results.

Seperate Adults & Kids Batch

The level of language awareness and age differences (among children) determines the formation of separate batches for adults and kids. Mitrin aims to create groups of students that are on the same pace.

Start Learning Today!

We hope you enjoyed reading about this Korean language online course. If you are excited to start learning a new language, or just want to study Korean, we are sure you will be looking out for the best Online Korean Language Course for you.